Baby Jonathan's OI Page

Jonathan's Birth
Photo Album
JOIN our OI Parents Email List
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Jonathan's Pamidronate Experiences & Montreal's Reserach 2001
Bisphosphonates - Dr. Plotkin
Jonathan's Helmet
2000 - 2011 Updates
Helpful Hints for Newborns
OI Links
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W E L C O M E !


Jonathan Michael arrived on March 8, 2000! He was born with a rare genetic disease called Osteogenesis Imperfecta, more commonly called Brittle Bone Disease. Osteogenesis Imperfecta is characterized by bones that break easily, often from little or no apparent cause. Jonathan's family would like to use this site to share with others their experiences of having a baby with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI).

Soon after Jonathan was born we searched the Internet trying to find information and help. There was quite a bit of general Osteogenesis Imperfecta information, but little on what life would be like with a newborn living with the disease. We hope this will give you an insight as to the CHALLENGE, JOY and HOPE there is in raising a baby with OI.

On this site we will share some of our favorite photos of Jonathan, update his progress month by month in different areas and share information that we have found helpful. It is for parents and family members of other OI babies and for anyone who would like to learn a little bit about this disease.

PLEASE JOIN US -- If you are the parent of a child with OI, we have started an OI Parents Email Discussion List. We have almost 700 members who share information on a daily basis with each other. If you would like to join, email us at  and let us know.

Before you leave the site, please sign our GUESTBOOK. Your comments often help others. If you are the parent of an OI child please request to join our OI Parents Email List.


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This site was started September 2000 and is maintained by Jonathan's, Grandma C and his mother, Amy.  Last update - February, 2010.